How-to: Track Job Applications with Notion and link to download

Let’s be honest, job hunting is not sexy or exciting, and preparing for one is equally frustrating. In this post, I will walk you through my ultimate job tracking setup built on the notion. Goal: I want to plan, prepare and organize my job applications and related stuffs in such a way that, I have […]

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Burying shoeboxes full of money

To whom it may inspire or concern: Circa 2000, some remote village in the foothills of the Himalayas (Nepal) where a computer was still a luxury and the internet was unexplainable mysterious service on the computer. I first automated business process when I was in 8th grade, it was my dad’s business. I saw that […]

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Covid19 case analysis & visualization

Data as of March 13 Midnight US EAST TIMEZONE. In a world where false information spreads faster than the facts, data is the gold standard currency. But when we all are drowned with constant data stream it fails to make any sense. To help all of us layman citizens understand covid19 cases and visualize it, […]

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AWS Lex & Lambda chatbot

Conversational AI is all the rage these days and for the right reason. Making chatbots smart enough to understand user intent and return results or information to complement user intention is conversational AI. We can choose to dive deeper into the subject but that is not the goal of this post. In this post, we […]

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Time-series Data Analysis with FB Prophet and Python

While advancements in data science often increase the infamous “skills gap” surrounding the field, Prophet was intentionally designed to lower the cost of entry for “analysts” — who possess an “in-the-loop” understanding of the problems they are trying to solve — via automation of time series forecasting. Prophet is a procedure for forecasting time series data based […]

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Future of Bank

By now, we all have come to understand and made peace with the fact that any business with a large pool of customer data can quickly set themselves as a bank or position their products to provide financial service. Historically a bank operated this way: Front end: Banks used to have branches, and those branches […]

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