Let’s be honest, job hunting is not sexy or exciting, and preparing for one is equally frustrating. In this post, I will walk you through my ultimate job tracking setup built on the notion.


I want to plan, prepare and organize my job applications and related stuffs in such a way that, I have all the information on hand from the beginning to offer stage.


There isn’t any all-in-one tool designed for job applicants that could help, or at least I haven’t heard of.

Notion Rescue:

Notion is a note-taking app on steroids with databases. So my plan for the ultimate dashboard was simple.

  • Job
    • I need to know jobs I applied for
    • Companies I applied with
    • Job Description
    • Job Qualification

  • People
    • I wanted to track recruiter for the job I applied
    • I wanted to organize LinkedIn connection with the company and job I applied for

  • My profile for each job
    • Resume
    • My strongest point for job description

  • Interview
    • All scheduled interviews

  • Offer
    • I wanted to track all job offer(s), so I can compare them if there are multiple offers.

  • Reading Materials
    • List of reading materials (tweets, articles, notes)

Ultimately, for each job application, I wanted consolidate all the notes and information in one single page so I can pop that open when I am speaking with recruiters.

My Notion job tracker setup. Data for demo purposes only.

Besides that, every now and then I stumble into an interesting piece of information or tweet that I find helpful in preparing for the job and save them as Reading materials. To automatically save tweets into the notion, I use SaveToNotion bot.